What a low-carbon world really looks like in the next decades:
Modelling tools used and required for long-term planning

CD-LINKS will be hosting a COP24 side event at the EU Pavilion on December 13th, in collaboration with the
COMMIT project and the German Umweltbundesamt. The side event will showcase integrated global/national low-carbon transformation pathways and the link to sustainable development objectives. The modelling underlying the EU’s long term strategy will be presented. In addition, major economies will share their experience in different areas of implementation and policy design, based on collaborative projects from across the globe.

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting the scene: long-term pathways, global/national, including importance to integrate with sustainable development
  3. Example: EU modelling suite, global energy and climate outlook
  4. Response: analysis of the latest EU proposal for the long-term climate strategy
  5. Lessons learned: good practices
  6. Forum of policymakers/panel discussion

Speakers: Elmar Kriegler (PIK, Germany), Detlef van Vuuren (PBL, Netherlands), David McCollum (IIASA, Austria), Kimon Keramidas (European Commission, JRC), Guido Knoche (UBA, Germany), Markus Hagemann (NewClimate Institute), Artur Runge-Metzger (European Commission), Alexandre Koeberle (COPPE, Brazil), Swapnil Shekhar (TERI, India), Vaibhav Chaturvedi (CEEW, India)

13 December 2018 / 14:30 – 16:00, EU Pavilion, Room Brussels – Area E, Space 9