CD-LINKS Summer School
The CD-LINKS Summer School, held in Venice in July 2019, hosted 20 students from 13 countries, including India, Russia, Brazil and many others. The Summer School’s courses, taught by key scientists involved in the CD-LINKS project, covered the topic of Integrated Assessment Models as a tool for science-based policy making. Specific topics covered included:
- History of the Integrated Assessment Modelling of human activities and the earth system
- Past socio-demographic trends and implications for energy: future major trends
- Overview of land use, agriculture and food
- Overview of the modelling of impacts of climate change
- Modelling Sustainable Development Goals: The expansion of Integrated Assessment Models and bringing everything back together
- Integrated Assessment Model development and use: three national experiences.
Videos on several topics were produced during the Summer School and can be found below.
- Contributions of CD-LINKS to the body of knowledge from Integrated Assessment Models – Dr. Keywan Riahi, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- Ideal qualities of an Integrated Assessment Modeller – Dr. Volker Krey, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- Importance of national model expertise in every country – Dr. Ritu Mathur, The Energy and Resources Institute
- Importance of national model expertise in every country – Dr. Roberto Schaeffer, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Focal points for future modelling efforts – Dr. John Weyant, Stanford University
- Studying air polluation and climate change – Dr. Peter Rafaj, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis