Archived News

CD-LINKS a success story for H2020
The EU has included CD-LINKS as a success story in its Horizon2020 Research and Innovation News Centre, with a new article "Looking into the links between climate and development policies" ...

Sea level rise to cause major economic impact without further climate action
A new paper published in Environmental Research Communications found that rising sea levels, a direct impact of the Earth’s warming climate, is intensifying coastal flooding. The findings show that the ...

Low Emission Development Strategies around the World: Linking Climate Action and Sustainable Development
The CD-LINKS final conference was held 27 September 2019 at the Borschette Conference Centre in Brussels, jointly with the final conference for the AFRICA-LEDs project. The joint event brought together ...

CD-LINKS Summer School
The CD-LINKS Summer School, held in Venice in July 2019, hosted 20 students from 13 countries, including India, Russia, Brazil and many others. The Summer School's courses, taught by key ...

COP24 Capacity Building Interview
At COP24, CD-LINKS was invited to contribute to the newly established Capacity-building Hub that was organized for the first time by the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB). Following the event, ...

The CD-LINKS project organized three side events during the 2018 United Nations’ twenty-fourth Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP24) in Katowice, Poland. An official UNFCCC side event was co-hosted ...

New CD-LINKS Research Forecasts High Emitting Countries to Suffer Economic Damages from Climate Change
Novel international study indicates actual cost of global warming will be highest for the three top emitting countries (China, India and US), and globally higher and more unequal than normally ...

CD-LINKS Summer School on Integrated Assessment Models: A Tool for Science-Based Policy Making
In cooperation with CMCC, IIASA, and the support of EAERE, the CD-LINKS project is launching a Summer School aimed at providing advanced training for young international scholars on integrated assessment models. It will ...

Implications for climate policy – helping policy makers understand opportunities in Joint Policy Day
On 7 November 2018, CD-LINKS, GREEN-WIN and TRANSRISK are hosting a Joint Policy Day in Brussels, Belgium. Climate strategies showing that voluntary nationally determined contributions to meet the Paris Agreement ...

Clean power is not enough: More action in other sectors needed to meet Paris targets
CO2 emissions from non-electricity energy uses, such as industry, transport, and heating, are the greatest impediment to meeting the Paris climate targets, according to new research from an international team ...

Visualization of Energy Investment web page published – based on analysis in Nature Energy journal
CD-LINKS has created a visualization web page that was developed based on an analysis published in the journal Nature Energy, which showed that low carbon investments will need to markedly ...

Sustainable national roadmaps towards the global objective of 1.5 and 2°C – the Indian perspective: Summary report CD-LINKS stakeholder & expert workshop
Researchers of think tanks, NGOs, businesses and government staff participated in a stakeholder and expert workshop for the CD-LINKS project in New Delhi, India on 19th March 2018 hosted by ...

Capacity building workshop, India, 22nd March
On 22nd March CD-LINKS held a capacity building workshop aimed at post-doctoral researchers and PhD students interested in integrated assessment modeling, systems analysis, and visualisation tools. About 20 people attended ...

5th project meeting, India, 20-22 March 2018
The fifth CD-LINKS project meeting was hosted by TERI at the India Habitat Centre in Delhi, India on 20-22 March 2018. As the project is entering its last 18 months, ...

CD-LINKS side event at UNFCCC SBSTA 2018
On Thursday 3rd May 18:30-20:00 CD-LINKS will be holding a side event at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 48th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and ...

CD-LINKS travels to Delhi, India
CD-LINKS travels to Delhi, India 19th to 22nd March for an action-packed week of a stakeholder workshop, project meeting and a capacity building workshop. The CD-LINKS project brings together a ...

The CD-LINKS project had a busy two weeks during the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference twenty-third Conference of the Parties (COP23), with a total of six activities. Two official ...

COP23 side event – 15 November – 1.5 & 2°C strategies, SDGs and green growth – EU Research Projects CD-LINKS and GREEN-WIN
Based on two EU-funded projects CD-LINKS and GREEN-WIN, the latest findings for ratcheting up the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) toward the 1.5 & 2°C goals from the Paris Agreement and ...

Side event at COP23 – 6 November 2017 – National decarbonization pathways toward 1.5 & 2°C and impacts on SDGs
CD-LINKS will be holding a side event at the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 23, 6-17 November 2017). The latest findings ...

Assessing China’s Green Lights Program
For the past 20 years a programme of the Chinese government has been aimed at reducing electricity consumption and facilitating the provision of efficient lighting to consumers, thereby reducing pollution ...

Side event at COP23 – 13 November – National roadmaps towards the global objective of 1.5 and 2°C
The German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) will be hosting a CD-LINKS side-event at the Interconnections Zone during the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework ...

Data visualization tools and data management: Capacity building
On 18 May 2017 at Potsdam, Germany, a dedicated meeting was held on the data visualization tools for Work Package 5 and a workshop was held on data management/analysis routines, shared ...

CD-LINKS at the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)
On 10 May the CD-LINKS project was presented at a poster session of the 9th annual meeting of the SBSTA Research Dialogue. The purpose of the research dialogue is to ...

Achieving climate change and sustainable development objectives: national de-carbonisation roadmaps
A CD-LINKS side event for the Vienna Energy Forum was held on 12 May 2017. The side event introduced the most recent outcomes of the CD-LINKS project. Utilising the knowledge ...

4th Project Meeting
14 July 2017 On 15-18 May 2017 the fourth CD-LINKS project meeting was hosted at PIK, in Potsdam, Germany. The main focus of the meeting was the progress and implementation ...

New CD-LINKS presentation video produced in Japan
31 March 2017 The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation has produced a presentation video of CD-LINKS, in which Shinichiro Fujimori, one of the CD-LINKS partners at NIES in Japan, is ...

New publication: Living standards lag behind economic growth
13 February 2017 Even as average incomes rise in developing countries, access to sanitation and clean energy have yet to reach the poorest people, a new study shows. But there ...

3rd Project Meeting
12 December 2016 The third CD-LINKS project meeting was hosted by ERI in Beijing, China, on 1-3 December 2016. During the meeting, the project partners discussed the results to date, and set a ...

Stakeholder dialogue in Beijing on climate and sustainable development modelling
13 December 2016 CD-LINKS has engaged in dialogue with Chinese policy makers and an international group of scientists in Beijing, China. The project organized a stakeholder workshop in conjunction with ...

Discussion on development pathways for a well below the 2°C target in CD-LINKS’ COP22 side-event
23 November 2016 The CD-LINKS project organized a side-event on 17 November 2016 at the UN climate change conference, COP22, to present research related to the development of national roadmaps ...

Upcoming CD-LINKS side-event in COP22 Marrakech: Ratcheting up NDCs
10 November 2016 CD-LINKS is present in the COP22 UNFCCC climate conference in Marrakech. Project results will be presented in the side-event "Ratcheting up NDCs: Consistent national roadmaps towards the global objective ...

Publication: Can the Green Economy deliver it all? Experiences of renewable energy policies with socio-economic objectives
28 July 2016 A new paper studying the impact of renewable energy deployment on energy access and job creation through four case studies is out by Michael Pahle, Shonali Pachauri ...

New publication shows that country pledges overshoot Paris temperature limit
1 July 2016 Individual country pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would need to be strengthened in order to limit future climate change to well below the 2°C limit included ...

2nd CD-LINKS project meeting
27 May 2016 Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Venice, Italy The second CD-LINKS project workshop was hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) in Venice, Italy, on 18-20 ...

Climate Policy Database: a repository of climate policies from around the globe
6 June 2016 A comprehensive selection of climate policies has been put together in the Climate Policy Database by NewClimate institute in collaboration with the CD-LINKS partners Wageningen University and PBL ...

Publication: 2°C and SDGs: united they stand, divided they fall?
17 March 2016 Access here the new paper 2°C and SDGs: united they stand, divided they fall? by Christoph von Stechow, Jan C Minx, Keywan Riahi, Jessica Jewell, David L ...

Publication: Energy sector water use implications of a 2 °C climate policy
17 March 2016 Access here the new paper Energy sector water use implications of a 2 °C climate policy by Oliver Fricko, Simon C Parkinson, Nils Johnson, Manfred Strubegger, Michelle ...

Multi-disciplinary dialogue on poverty and inequality in climate modeling
27 May 2016 Leading experts from various disciplines, including development economics and policy, climate modeling, food, water and energy, gathered in Venice, Italy on 17-18 May 2016 to discuss poverty and ...

CD-LINKS Kick-off meeting
CD-LINKS project kick-off meeting hosted by IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria. 28 September 2015 © IIASA | Matthias Silveri 1 October 2015 The CD-LINKS project was launched with a 4-day long ...

Stakeholder and Expert Workshop to discuss integrated climate and development solutions
30 September 2015 The CD-LINKS project organized a first stakeholder and expert workshop as part of its kick-off meeting, hosted by IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria on 30 September 2015. The ...