The University of East Anglia (UEA) is an internationally renowned university based in Norwich (UK) that provides excellent academic, social and cultural facilities to over 15,000 students. UEA is a research-intensive institution – placed 10th in the UK for quality of research (REF 2014), and in the world top 50 for research citations (Times Higher Education 2015-16). More than 82 per cent of UEA’s research was rated either of ‘international excellence’ or ‘world leading’ in the latest (2014) Research Assessment Exercise.
The Faculty of Social Sciences forms one of UEA’s four Faculties and comprises seven Schools. The Schools work at the forefront of academic and professional development and have a strong reputation in the social science fields of education, law, business, international development, economics and social work and psychology. Further information on the organisational structure and regular activities is available on the UEA internet homepage: www.uea.ac.uk/ssf.
The School of Economics has a reputation as a centre of research excellence, having been ranked among the top six UK Economics departments in the latest CHE Excellence Group for outstanding research performance indicators. The School’s multidisciplinary ethos underlies much of its research efforts. The School’s research has been published in most of the world’s leading economics journals including American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Quarterly Journal of Economics, as well as in numerous major specialist journals and leading non-economics journals. In addition to its core funding, the School has recently attracted research contracts from the European Commission, the European Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the British Academy, the Nuffield Foundation, and the Leverhulme Trust, among others.
Besides its traditional strengths in Experimental and Behavioural Economics, in Industrial Organization and Competition Economics, and the rapidly growing areas of Economic Theory, Applied Econometrics and Finance, the School of Economics has a strong presence in Environmental Economics and established links with CSERGE (the Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment) and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.